Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What is growing from my head?!?

I put my hair up, and I noticed in the part what looked like a white hair. I'm only 16, so I found this odd. I thought it might have been string or something, and I tried pulling on it, but it was attached! I looked closely at it and noticed it was really thick, I thought of floss. I took the tweezers and pulled it out. It just slid right out. Then I noticed it was attached to a piece of normal brown hair, and I pulled the two hairs apart, if you could call it a hair.. The end of the normal hair was abnormally thick. The white hair, had this gross stuff on the end. It was slightly red as if it was bloody, and then it had a thick black follicle on the end! It was nasty and I have no idea what it was! I was thinking it was some kind of nasty infected hair, but I still don't get why it was white! Any ideas?

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