Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Husband is in the Military and is deployed in iraq. He came home from r and r and then left when he time?

was up. I need everyones help. i have heard from him twice and then waited for four days and got a call today. It started out fine of me talking about how i am doing good with my college cles and then went to him talking about how he is going to kill himself. He cant take deployment and misses home, he also stated he was catching a cold, and then stated he sat in his vechile for two hours before someone came and picked up his vechile because it was broke down, he also stated he had the chance to kill himself and that people say when they are about to shot themselves they think of a family member they loved and cared about to change there thoughts, he said the only thing that was on his mind was the gun, and then he had a picture of me flash through his mind and it changed to him thinking about me. He also told me if anything happens to always know that he loved me. I calmed him down and talked him out of doing anything to himself I hope. He said he would be fine. I am just afraid he is actually going to do something. They already had three people go crazy. Two sent home and kicked out of the army. I need to know if I should call my frg Leader to get him some help before its to late. But I am afraid he will get kicked out. He was never like this before. He was a happy go lucky man, and always did everything right. But now its different he has been deployed for six months he has five or six to go maybe. Please if anyone can help me with this problem that would be great. Thank You

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